Auditable Courses

In conformity with California Education Code 76370, Santa Rosa Junior College has adopted a policy which permits the auditing of classes.  

Attending classes with the intent to audit without registering as an auditor is not permitted. Students may audit certain selected classes for a fee of $15.00 per unit plus any additional course costs, Student Center and Transportation fee. Students regularly enrolled in 10 or more units may audit up to 3 units free of charge.  

The following conditions must be met to audit a class:  

  1. Auditors must be eligible for admission to college as regularly enrolled students.
  2. Auditor status is allowed only if student has exhausted repeat possibilities. Examples of exhausting repeat possibilities: passed the course with Pass/No Pass (P/NP) OR  passed the course with a grade of C or higher OR repeated the course twice with substandard grades (D,F, NP).
  3. Auditor must meet the course prerequisite.
  4. Instructor must sign the electronic Audit Registration Form (available at Admissions and Records) to show approval for the student to attend class as an auditor on a space available basis.
  5. Auditors will be allowed to register only after the First Census date of the class.
  6. Auditors may NOT attend or participate until official enrollment is secured after the First Census date of the class.
  7. Auditors may NOT change their status to regular student in the class (or reverse).
  8. Once the auditor fee is paid, it will not be refunded.
  9. No transcript of record will be maintained.
  10. Students registered as auditors only will not be entitled to the regular health services (other than emergencies).

If you meet requirements to audit one of the courses below, please get in touch with Admissions & Records to request an Audit Registration form at:

The following is a list of courses currently allowed for auditing: